Jan 20, 2009

Uncertain Days

Today history is being made, our 44th president was elected. I am not going to make much mention about our new leaders. But what I am going to say is that we are living in uncertain times. But God is still at work. I was thinking today about how good we've had it as a nation and especially as believers. If we were in another country, daily life would be a struggle for survival. Okay so we have a few problems here and there, but we also have opportunity. Opportunity to at least "try" to change that which we do not like. Many people in other nations can't even afford to put food on the table and watch their families starve in utter helplessness to change the situation. Yet here, remembering to thank God for our food is a struggle. I was wondering the other day as I stopped to pray for a meal "am I truly thankful or am I just mumbling some words?" Truth is, here in America, we've never been without. Yeah, maybe we've had to wait for the new piece of clothing, or the new "toy", but I don't think that many of us, if any, can say we've ever had to worry about where we were going to sleep at night and where our next meal was coming from. Now with the not so stable economy, I find myself wondering if it will make us rely on Christ more. I believe that God is allowing hard times (if you can call them that in comparison with other nations) to come to teach us not to trust in out wealth, jobs, or even our own abilities to provide for all our needs; but to turn our attention and focuses to Him. To wake us up in the areas of our life where we forget to realize that everything we have comes from His hands, to realize that God is just as in control in the bad times, as He is in the good ones. He can be trusted. No one knows what the future holds, but for us who believe, though "some trust in chariots and some in horses"…let us "trust in the name of the Lord our God" Psalm 20:7


Paul 3:56 PM  

You would be good at writing letters to the editor in the newspaper. That article can't be beat.

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